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Beth Finkle

The Art of Doing Nothing: A New Approach to the New Year!

Updated: Jan 3

Ok, so of course doing nothing, is still something and I can totally find the irony of that. However, as the new year rolls in, the pressure to overhaul our lives and conquer the world with grand resolutions can be overwhelming. There is beauty in the simplicity of doing nothing – a practice often underestimated in our fast-paced society. And, especially coming off a crazed holiday season where our body and mind is craving a stillness and mindful start to the new year.

Ten Tips, very Simply.

  1. Catch up on how we at Trust Me handle reflection in episode 40. Use this time in reflection to set yourself up on the right path. Acknowledge your achievements, growth, and even the challenges faced. Understanding where you've been can provide valuable insights into where you want to go.

  2. Embrace the Power of Rest: In a world that glorifies constant productivity, the concept of doing nothing may seem counterintuitive. However, rest is essential for overall well-being. If you listen to my self-care talk here in episode 34, rest is a non-negotiable. It's not just the 8 hours of sleep rest either, its about building in restoration. Allow yourself guilt-free moments of rest, whether it's a quiet afternoon nap or simply sitting in silence.

  3. Disconnect from Digital Distractions: Technology can be both a blessing and a curse. Take intentional breaks from screens and social media to clear your mind. Disconnecting allows you to be present in the moment and fosters a sense of peace. When you do go onto social media, give yourself some boundaries, e.g. how long you will allow yourself on there or even setting the context of "WHY" you are are there. Is it to catch up with friends or see beautiful pictures of golden retrievers? If you sprinkle intentionality, it can go a really long way.

  4. Practice Mindfulness: Integrate mindfulness practices into your routine to manifest a sense of presence and purpose. Meditation, deep breathing, or mindful walks can help you tap into your inner wisdom, fostering a deep connection with your goals and aspirations.

  5. Quality Over Quantity: Instead of overwhelming yourself with social commitments, focus on nurturing a few meaningful relationships. Quality interactions can happen even in moments of stillness. If you don't know how to get started with this, listen to our most listened episode (3) on friendships.

  6. Unplugged Bonding: Foster connections by spending time together without the distraction of screens. Engaging in face-to-face conversations or enjoying activities that promote genuine connection can strengthen relationships.

  7. Mindful Listening: While practicing the art of doing nothing, use that time to truly listen to others. Being present in conversations and showing genuine interest in someone’s thoughts and feelings deepens the connection.

  8. Evolve and Reevaluate Your Goals: In episode 29 we talk about core values and how to set a personal vision. Rather than setting ambitious goals for the sake of it, consider whether your aspirations align with your values and bring you genuine happiness. Sometimes, doing nothing involves reevaluating and adjusting your goals to ensure they resonate with your true self.

  9. Embrace the Joy of Simple Pleasures: Rediscover the joy in life's simple pleasures and find out what brings you to that state of contentment. Have you ever asked if you are really satisfied? Listen to episode 27 to see how we approach this! This weekend I sat and listened to my children play go fish. I didn't have anything on around me (tv, phone, music) and just savored the sound of them being in the other room and being self-sufficient. I simply asked myself "Am I satisfied in this moment" and the answer was hands down YES! These small moments of contentment contribute significantly to your overall well-being.

  10. Cultivate Gratitude: Take time to express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have, fostering a sense of contentment and peace. If gratitude is new to you, I highly suggest starting with yourself. I am grateful that I make time to connect with the people in my circle who fill my cup.

In a world that glorifies constant hustle, the art of doing nothing provides a refreshing perspective on the beginning of the year. One thing Keyana and I are doing to help guide us personally and on Trust Me, is to select one word that will be our guiding purpose and theme for the year. Have you ever sat down and tried to pick one word that is empowering enough and one word that holds enough navigation and velocity? It isn't that easy but packs a focus lens like no other!

Sometimes, the most significant transformations come from allowing yourself the freedom to do nothing which is a profound practice when infused with manifestation, restoration, focus, and the deep connection within. Embrace the stillness and appreciate the richness of the present moment and the beauty that happens when your heart, mind and body are connecting in it.

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