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Beth Finkle

Embracing Humility and Grace

In our latest episode we cover Humility and Grace, I found myself on a journey of self-discovery, exploring facets of my personality that I may have overlooked for a while. The past year has been a unique experience of embracing silence, a challenge for someone accustomed to being looked at as a “though leader” in my field.  While those accolades brought a rush of dopamine, I realized the untapped potential lay in uplifting those around me and amplifying their diverse perspectives.  And guess what, provoking thought by listening is way cooler.

For those not yet into the world of podcasts, here are some uplifting tips and tricks we shared:

  • Listen More, Speak Less: Ever heard the saying, "You have two ears and one mouth for a reason"? It holds true wisdom! Transformative change begins with active listening, understanding, and empathizing. Discover the intrinsic joy of comprehending someone else's lived experiences—it's a key step toward a more profound understanding of the world. We cover how to listen to understand in episode 26 and want you to stay tuned for more on the art of listening in upcoming episodes!

  • Clap For Those Around You: Particularly, celebrate the incredible value carried by women. The "hype women" movement, pioneered by Erin Gallagher, resonates deeply. Elevating each other results in collective growth. My journey in practicing humility has shown me the power of connection, open-heartedness, and love. It has fueled my creative endeavors, propelling me to new personal heights.

  • Cultivate Self-Awareness: A recurring theme, and rightfully so—it's a superpower. Reflecting on the past year, I've made it a habit to check whether ego or empathy is steering the wheel. For a quick exploration of these two perspectives, tune in to episode 20, where solidify how you can become more confident by harnessing humility and vulnerability.

The essence of choosing humility as my guiding word for 2024 is the understanding that sustainable well-being stems from aligning with intrinsic values consistently. When was the last time you listened to your values? They might not change drastically year over year but it’s important to tactically look at how you are showing up to them. For me, it's about helping people. When humility takes the lead, doors open, and the world expands.  Glimmers are everywhere!  Check out Episode 7 where we discuss cultivating glimmers.  When ego is in the driver seat, it’s a quick rush but nothing too great sustains. It may sound cliché, but I feel like I'm inhaling positivity, realizing the boundless possibilities beyond self-centeredness.

As we step into 2024, what word will guide your journey?


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